The tech factor is the technological equation in your businesses formula for success. The Tech Factor podcast is your number 1 source for technological Innovations, Ideas, Security and Strategies for your business. Learn to control and leverage your IT and add the tech factor to your formula for success Podcast by Ben Smith and Sam Read of ClubIT clubit.net.au

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Episode 1: The 5 most important cybersecurity measures for your business
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
In Episode one of The Tech Factor, your Hosts Ben Smith (IT Consultant for 20 years @ ClubIT) and Sam Read (All round IT Guru @ ClubIT) talk about the 5 most important cybersecurity measures that apply to all businesses that you should be implementing today. Most businesses have some kind of antivirus or firewall and just assume this is IT security but they forget about the key fundamentals of Cyber Security we break them down over this podcast.